Monday, January 9, 2012

Meet the fake Drake: How one amateur make-up artist transformed herself into the hit rapper


Make-up artist Promise Tamang Phan has taken her love of rapper Drake to another level - by transforming herself from Asian woman to stubble-chinned man with the help of just a little clever make-up trickery.
It may not be a Madame Tussaud's likeness, but there is an uncanny resemblance between the unlikely duo by the end of the make-up routine.
The impressive transformation sees the video blogger of Nepalese origin going from a wide-eyed, glossy-haired beauty to a hardened hip-hop hero in just moments.

Drake, take two: The rap star, left, is impersonated by Asian beauty Promise Tamang Phan, right, who cleverly transforms her clear face into the designer-stubble clad look using make-up trickery

Though she states on Facebook that she is not a professional make-up artist, Promise is clearly a dab hand with the range of cosmetics at her disposal - and is an impressive impersonator to boot, pulling off the Canadian rapper's trademark mock sneer and hand gestures with aplomb.
Promise, who is reportedly the sister-in-law of make-up pro Michelle Phan, begins the look by pulling her long, dark hair back into a boyish, flattened ponytail, as seen on Using a dark shade, she fills in her hairline to imitate Drake's chiseled, squared forehead.

Now you see her, now you don't: Promise's usual guise, left, is replaced with that of the hip-hop star, right

Taking shading pencils, she deftly creates a masculine bone structure, highlights the tip of the nose and the eye sockets, then gives her eyes a Drake-esque line of depth using eye-liner.
The finishing touch is designer stubble, carefully dabbed onto Promise's smooth chin, upper lip and cheeks.
A few of her husband's clothes and a slim silver necklace later and voila, the Asian starlet - who has 147,000 Facebook fans - takes to the stage of the internet as Drake.

Hair raising: The amateur make-up artist fills in her hairline with a dark shade before moving on and adding masculinity to her feminine face using clever shading techniques

The make-up fan is not unused to throwing herself into (and impressing internet fans with) character makeovers using cosmetics.
On her Facebook fan page, Promise writes: 'With Make-up nothing is impossible. Watch me Draw different celebs faces on to my Canvas(face).'
But it is when she adds a flourish by mimicking the hip-hop star's rapping moves that her new look really comes alive - and the make-up artist's original character is truly wiped away.

Five O'clock: Promise - dark, thick eyebrows in check - applies designer stubble to chin, cheeks and upper lip

Finishing touch: Almsot complete, the make-up artist adds more filler to her eyebrows and then dons her husband's rapper-style clothes before imitating the Take Care star

The Drizzy video has won her a massive following, clocking up a staggering half-a-million viewers since being uploaded just four days ago.
As unlikely as an Asian Drake may sound, the make-up whizz, under the YouTube guise of dope2111, has also transformed herself into Marilyn Monroe, Katy Perry and, with astonishing success, Angelina Jolie.
It's not known what the 25-year-old The Motto singer, who dated and collaborated with Rihanna, thinks of his new, female, Asian doppelganger.

source: dailymail

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//PART 2